
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Team K Midwest - Following Our Blog

As you can see, after all the rigmorale* I told you about the blog name contest (and some of you got competitive!) I finally settled on the name I came up with in the first place for our web address.  Thank you for all of the input and fun ideas.  I'm sorry that none of you won the non-existent prize.  I know that's difficult for some of you.  I will be giving myself a pat on the back.

Also, I added an easy way to become a follower of the blog.  If you put your email address in the box under the blog title, you'll get an email whenever I publish a new post.  After you put your email address in, it will email you with further instructions, and I believe you can choose whether to have your name shown on a list on my blog. (You'll choose to follow publicly or privately).  So you can choose whatever option you are comfortable with.

*Did everyone else know that "rigmorale" was spelled without a vowel between the 'g' and the 'm'?  I didn't.

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