
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter to all of our friends and family.

We made it to morning Mass, which was beautiful, and then had Easter dinner with our friends Michael, Colleen and baby Kathleen.  We seem to be wearing our coats for every picture we take in Minnesota, even though this one is inside!  Gabriel borrowed a hat for the walk home.

Gabriel has continued to have some problems with nursing, which has been hard.  I just took him for a cranio-sacral therapy appointment today as well as an appointment to address his tongue tie issue.  So we're hoping things will start to improve!

And now....more baby pictures.

Baby Gabriel with Grandpa Mariusz (Tim's Dad).  He stayed for 9 days and helped us so much! Especially with his wonderful cooking, which helped me get my appetite back, and his ninja baby skills.

Bulldog Baby

First Bath in His Own Tub

Chillin' with Daddy
Yes, there is still snow on the ground!  I think this was March 30th.

Chillin' with Daddy Close-up
He really seems to enjoy walks, at least judging by how well he sleeps through them.  (:

We're all doing well besides the nursing stuff.  Starting to catch up on sleep enough to feel human again!

Again, a Happy Easter Season to all.

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