
Monday, September 3, 2012

Goin' to the Fair

Saturday we attended the Minnesota State Fair.  It's held right in St. Paul, everyone goes and it's a really big deal.  Tim's assistant head of the department, at a meeting, stressed how important it was for people to attend these meetings, "unless you're going to the fair or something!"  He thought she was joking, but she was serious!  Couldn't imagine that happening at UW - Tim's advisor saying, "It's really important that you all attend this meeting - unless you're doing the Puyallup, of course."

We got a lot of pictures of awesome animals - I'll keep the narration to a minimum.

Goat judging:

Crazy chickens:

Ah, the antics of young goats.  Hilarious!

I love goats.  I would like to have a couple some day, along with chickens.

Two-day-old piglets:

I don't like pigs very much after some...interesting experiences on the road during my youth ministry year, but the really little baby ones were sort of cute.

We saw other baby aminals, cows in labor(!), bonsai and amazing handicrafts, and Tim had some delicious fair food.  It was exhausting but fun.  Apparently we missed the butter sculptures.  Next time....

The weekend before, we saw our friends the Fergusons at their family cabin, but this is the only picture we got:

Oh, and this one.  What a great family!

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