
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Help us Name this Blog!

Hi everyone,

Welcome to our blog.  We hope this will be a good way to keep in touch with family and friends -- at least for you to see what we're up to!  We have been trying for weeks to think up a name, with various versions of "Team K" and something about moving to the Midwest....

I thought, why not open it up to you guys to give us some ideas?  So anything you can think of, please share: something cute, catchy, or boring, whatever you like.  If we choose your idea, you'll win a brand-new....well, you won't win anything, but we will be thankful.


  1. Ooooh... you take really nice pictures! And your camera is pretty awesome. I loved the pics and your catalogued journey. It was Beautiful!

    I'm so happy that ya'll are setting in. Your red and white duplex is sooo cute!

    I think you should name your blog something like...
    1. Tymmifer Times
    2. The TJ ... or The JT... Whut! Whut!
    3. The 'Sota K's
    4. 'Sota-attelites
    5. The Double-Saint K's
    And my fave so far...
    6. Dontcha Knowalewskis

    Thank you for sharing!


    1. Thanks, Beth! It's funny you should compliment our camera, b/c it was just a phone camera - we have fooled everyone! Oops, now I gave it away.

      You are amazingly good at coming up with names for the Kowalewski blog. Wowza!

      Nice to hear from you.

  2. Michael suggests: "The Big Kowalewski."

    We're glad that you all are settling in!

  3. I like The Big Kowalewskis but I my suggestion is "Bear running through TIMber" inspired by your other post. I think it's enigmatic and also has the word "bear" which is a bonus. If you try you can also get"Tim" and "burrrr" out of it which you might need later.
