
Monday, February 11, 2013

Almost There!

Hi everyone - since we don't get to see many of our friends and family often these days, I thought it was high time to share a picture showing how big I am.  We're 38 weeks along now, so there's not much time left!

Some of you know this, but we got quite discombobulated when the baby didn't turn head-down by 34 weeks.  He was still transverse, laying across.  My midwife told me later that most transverse babies end up turning head down, but she "didn't want to get my hopes up."  I wish she had told me, because I was really upset!  I was thinking I would probably have to have a C-section.

By my 36-week appt. with this breech expert doctor, the baby was already head down.  Whew. Thank God!

We're going to do cloth diapering, and so far we have samples of different kinds to see what works best.  I thought it would be smart if Tim and I figured out how they worked before the baby came.

G-Pants:  the only kind of cloth diaper with flushable liners.  I thought that would be good for the first couple of weeks.

A wool diaper from our dear friend Janelle.  It's made from an up-cycled sweater.  I think it's the cutest cloth diaper I've ever seen!

We practiced swaddling, too.  Swaddle doggy!

Tim's contribution: